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New Patients

How to register:


If you have just moved into the immediate area, (click here to view map of our practice area), and would like to register with the practice, you will need to attend the surgery on any weekday between the hours of 11am - 12:30pm and 1.30pm - 2.30pm.

If you have a medical card, please bring this along with you as it will save you having to complete a registration form. If you do not have a medical card, please bring your passport/driving licence and a utility bill with you as identification.


When registering, please ensure that you have enough medication from your previous surgery to carry you over the transition period. It can take a couple weeks for your registration to be entered onto our computer system and for us to receive your medical records, depending on the number of registrations we receive.


If you are registering a child, please ensure that you have the child’s up to date immunisation history, as this is needed to update the child’s immunisation status.